
Showing posts from 2014

The Shape of Time

Cameraless Photography


Where words belong

On Frank Zappa (What's in a title?)

Future Jazz (Continued)

The Eonothem of Sound

Musical Autodidacticism

Every photograph is this catastrophe

Musical Stuckism


Abstract Art of the 10th-Century

Evo Devo

Recycled Air

Electro-acoustic Extrapolation

Cull the Heard

What's a bass player to do?

Yesterday's Tomorrows/Today's Yesterdays

The Sound of The Future (and it will sound like The Now)

Second Sound

High Fidelity and Hearing Loss


Musical logic and syntax: The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid

Artist Geneologies

The timelessness of usefulness

All these impermanent things

Paul Klee's Visual Music

Finding the heart in algorithmic art

Glitch is the new distortion