Electro-acoustic Extrapolation

The orchestration of electronic music reminds me of the book TV Sets, which extrapolated the floor plans of 1960s sitcom sets, The Lucy Show, Perry Mason and so on.

Contemporary ensembles such as Alarm Will Sound do almost the same thing by translating the electronic to the acoustic. It's an interesting exercise to imagine a reality beyond the confines of artifice.

Aphex Twin's Blue Calx is a calming ambient work. Calx is a powdery residue, like Usuyuki, a fine snow. AWS's arrangement is reverent, although the metronomic pattern is somewhat jarring, and was probably included as a guide, like letting the grid lines show through on a painting.

The reverse is done by the group The Bad Plus, that does a jazzy version of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, which reveals the essence of avant-garde jazz that pervades certain parts of The Rite. (It's actually interesting to play them at the same time, amplifying the idea of cacophony that Stravinsky might have been after.)

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