
Showing posts from 2022

Sound Of the Herd

 Marriage Of Lifetimes

Where Is the Joy?

On Constraints


Artists’ Love-Hate Relationship With Technology

 On PeerTube

 A Truly New New (Not 'Old Cool')


Choose Your (Problem) Poison

 Japanese Woodworking As a Metaphor

 High Context In Music

On Riffs

 What Makes A Good Routine?

 Can you be a composer without being able to play an instrument?

Consilience With Music

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Missing Mediums

Twitter Epitaph

Inputs and Outputs

Repeat With Variation

Shiny New Objects

On Ambiguity

Archetypes For Activism

Under the Hood

Algorithm Jockeys (AJs)

Johnny Cage

Manual AI


Roger Waters on the Music of Language

Musical Vibes

The Kidnapping of Attention (Books Versus The Internet)

The Scale of Music

Music For Palaces (Cont.)

High & Low