Aesthetic Erosion (Cont.)


Sometimes I see or read things that are the perfect metaphor for something else. In this case it is climate-change driven coastal erosion and "aesthetic erosion"--the influence of algorithm-driven content on our innate sense of what is interesting and relevant, based on what we always thought was interesting before social media and even the internet.

The subject piece is the DW documentary Wind and Climate Change.

[I think their documentaries are excellent, and choose to watch them–not the glut of DIY documentaries].

Some phrases from the transcript edited to highlight the erosion metaphor.

Climate change is altering wind patterns. Winds will change as temperatures rise.

Social media is altering intentions. Creativity will change as media evolves.

The heat takes a toll on the trees, making them more vulnerable to insects. Once the trunks are infested, they become brittle and more susceptible to storm damage. It’s a vicious cycle.

Social media takes a toll on intentions, making it more vulnerable to expectations. Once intentions are infested, they become more susceptible to conformity. It’s a vicious cycle.

During strong storms, sections of the cliffs simply break off.

Over long periods of social media use, our sense of artistic integrity falls off the cliff.

I think we’ll have to come to terms with relocating houses and people.

I think we’ll have to come to terms with rethinking authenticity and integrity.

It’s becoming evident that living safely on the coast will only be possible if nature is given more leeway. But that means we have to retreat further. I think that's realistic.

It’s becoming evident that authenticity and integrity will only be possible if algorithms and AI are given more leeway. But that means we have to retreat further. I think that's realistic.

Winds will change as temperatures rise, because the Earth doesn’t get warmer simultaneously or uniformly everywhere.

Artistic behavior will change as technology evolves, because it doesn't change simultaneously or uniformly everywhere.

Another example of an erosive force is feature-bloat in software and apps, as well as the "AI Invasion" seizing control over everything at the top-level: We must be using AI, just like we must be making things that get likes and follows, not following our intuition. Over time it insidiously wears us down to the point where you begin to feel disoriented. The world has shifted under your feet.

Erosion also comes in the form of ennui and indifference: You might be excited about a new idea and no one else is. Interpersonal dynamics can quickly extinguish them, but they have to still burn in you. Aesthetic erosion is always trying to put the fire out. It's also a form of gaslighting--sowing doubt that your zeitgeist really has any power. Your vision is still to build that house overlooking the ocean, but the land isn't there or is weakened. So the question becomes, how can you adapt that vision so that it remains alive? Or the more top-level question: Isn't all life (and culture) subjected to erosion/entropy?


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