To Be or Not, Per Se

I had a story idea in which the main character sought to become the person that algorithms had defined him to be. It is understood that neural networks intuit our preferences, but they usually make wrong assumptions, at least initially. To Google, I am probably an author because I released two books on Amazon, a high-ranking (if not the highest) ranking site on the Google search engine. But I have spent more of my life involved with music. I can now call myself an Author, and claim my cyber-identity as such. But I don't think I am an Author, per se. Perhaps neural networks can work with us to define our new hybrid identities, i.e. that identity formed from our spiritual center (the Self), merged with the cyber-identity. It's now called "personal branding", arising more from what the ego dictates, but just imagine if algorithms would locate the real enlightened you. There's an AI we should want.


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