Inputs And Outputs (Cont.)


Whenever I create a new blog post I sometimes go through my older ones. Today I posted something about alternate tunings and then I ran a quick search across the blog to see what I had written about it in the past and I came across one that was from June 2014 where I was talking about the essence of bass parts, where some are functional and some are more busy, and I was talking about James Jamerson–that when you isolate his bass parts you can hear him reacting to whatever was in his headphones or whoever was in the room. They don’t sound that good on their own but when they’re played together you see the effect of the inputs on the outputs.




As I was perusing Eno's diary entries for August (8/2), this was a funny line: "The rhythm track on [Donna Summer's] ‘State of Independence’ is astonishingly clunky and poor. In fact it’s one of the worst-made great records ever." What you want are just enough good input to effect the overall output. You don't have to judge the individual inputs in isolation. Even the bad ones need to be there because there's always a potential good in context of the whole].


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