OEM Culture

AI, in general, hasn’t yet impacted the future of music, at least not in an aesthetic sense, but that could be a possibility, as could the blockchain, such as turning samples on and off. But that will essentially be the avant-garde, not pop music. The problem I have with new technologies is they just barely overlap with artistic expression as has been defined through history. We’ve already explored cybernetics and systems theory in the 20th century, so anything we do with blockchain or anything involving computers will be a variation on what’s already been explored. It may be interesting but that’s just speculation on what future generations will value.


[8/27/2024: I think everything is ultimately a variation on what’s already been explored–by previous generations. It’s interesting that new fashion trends/memes always touch on early PCs, especially the color space. DOS computers used only 16 Windows colors. The new Decora maximal vibe/meme uses a constrained color gamut–which is ironic in context with its maximalist ethos. But if future generations are going back 20-40 years, and recursively use elements from 20 years prior, there will never be any innovation. It will only seem innovative. It has, in fact, affected the future of music. It’s now in the flow of my music–but I’m not using it as a turnkey thing. Retro culture is “turnkey” in the sense that we can one day decide what the vanguard is by just turning a key].

Made With AI, with other parts added by me:


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