Cicada Sounds

Today is the Music For Places anniversary. In my diary entry of 6/2/2006 I noted, "In the background faintly is the sound of a soda machine, clicking like an insect or bird of some kind". If I were to re-create it, it would be like this:



The sounds of cicadas aren't pitched, but the one I'm hearing outside my window is approximately an E-natural, which can be put into some kind of harmonic context, like an E diminished chord. There are also two "notes" which you can see in the frequency analysis. There is one lower note between 1 and 2.5K and one more shrill between 3  and 6K. If you are subjected to this for hours it must have an impact on the higher frequency band. As you can see it goes up to 20K in the "mosquito" range albeit a very low DB. 



The Full Binaural Recording (Wear Headphones):


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