Book of Days


Yesterday I was reading an interesting article by Cory Doctorow about Linkrot, and the fact that content not even a decade old has dead hyperlinks. Then I stumbled on an article from May 2023 I had saved about an art exhibit in my area about making art out of the data of everyday life, and I realized that's what I have been doing all along: If you become a collector of life events you can develop your own "internet" that naturally creates its own hyperlinks through the process of encoding--similar to the encoding of memories.

Lately, I have been using my own lifelogs (or "personal data mining") as grist for songs, tentatively titled Songdays, but may become Abstractions of Life or Abstractions From Today. Per Doctorow, we can't rely on the internet for the integrity of history and memory. This is where art can be used as both storytelling and memoir.

Interesting: Chambers Book of Days


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