
As with songwriting in the context of making an album, anything that is serialized can create uncanny juxtapositions and synchronicities while you're in the process of making it. The In Sum diaries are calendrical (organized by date, all the firsts of the month, seconds of the month, and so on). I've also been creating some sets of photographs organized in that fashion, organized by the date they were taken. That's either interesting or not: If it's your birthday then it's interesting and also "cosmic" in the sense that everybody's experiencing the tenth day of the month in some way. It's a state of mind–or minds. A month and a year can be a state of mind as well. It's fertile ground for synchronicity and juxtaposition.



"The vertical method, exemplified by Proust, raises the magnification until a single experience—of falling asleep, of listening to a musical phrase—becomes a vortex. The horizontal method, practiced by CĂ©line, skates across the oceanic depths of experience so rapidly as to produce the illusion of a continuous surface. Yet the speed itself is a constant reminder that the ground is not solid, that to slow is to drop into vortex or rise into vaporous generality. Both methods seek to uncover dimensions of existence invisible at the conventional level of magnification." (The "Sebaldian" experience)

On the review of the book Earlier.


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