More ChatGPT Lyric Writing

A few years ago I started generating music with the Boomy app. I titled one of the pieces Hers Is A Lush Situation, inspired by the Richard Hamilton artwork of the same title.

I thought it was kind of an interesting idea and I played my guitar against it and transcribed a possible chorus melody and a few lines of a lyric.

Then I used ChatGPT to generate lyrics based on the title. Here is the chorus. It has nothing to do with Richard Hamilton. When you Google the title, Hamilton's piece is at the top of the search results. I would have thought it would have cleverly incorporated some of the history of the work. But rather it sounds almost Victorian:

Hers is a lush situation
like a garden in full bloom
In her arms, I find my sweet perfume
Lost in her embrace, love's tender and true
Hers is a lush situation, where love renewed
ChatGPT is still a horrible lyric generator if you have preconceived ideas--which is a good thing for a writer to have.


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