Taking Sides

The more I read, listen to and watch things that deal with archetypes or the brain hemispheres, I realize it's making us "take sides" in our own mind/brain relationship. I see myself as being primarily left-hemisphere dominant in creativity because I think architecturally. I work from the right side of the brain when I "decorate" the framework. I like frameworks because it gives me a play-space and I don't have to start from square one every time I'm trying to create something. So the right brain experiences are happening within the left brain framework. In terms of archetypes I associate myself with the Artist archetype, but that associative process is essentially a left-hemisphere process where you are "packaging"  yourself. We're taking sides on each side of the brain.

The video/podcast that I'm referring to is How Our Brains Model Reality

Caroline Myss has an interesting series on Archetypes but again, the left-hemisphere is making the categories.


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