Down To The Foundation

Even if you don't have the fundamentals you can have a foundation. For example, people that never formally studied music or art but kept doing it for years or decades have a foundation as well, and could even be as strong. I have just as much respect for people that played by ear from a young age  and had just as much success. Even in my own life, I really like a lot of the stuff that wasn't created with "training". In the 80s there was so much great music created by "untrained" musicians. It was a zeitgeist of like-minded artists with similar goals and I think it worked well, and still works well. In visual art I like de-killed artists--that's their foundation--that's their artist identity. Whatever foundation you have you can always go back to it. Now people are all on social media promoting their work for different intentions and a lot of them don't seem sincere. But you can always go back to your foundation to rediscover what's sincere.


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