June 18ths

6/18/1898, Saturday (Berlin)

(Kessler Diary)

Werthern said his great-grandmother (around 1820) led her husband when he was eight to a chapel and made him swear never to marry an ugly woman. She wanted to have a beautiful race. (Could be Goethe influence) .


9/11 panel finds no Iraq/Al Qaeda link. Bush disputes it: "The reason I keep insisting there was a relationship is because there was a relationship." (It depends on what the definition of "was" is...)

6/18/2005, Saturday

I'm enjoying The Now more and more—beautiful crystalline summer mornings, walks to the cafe for coffee and the morning paper—wonderful.


Went to play at the Goodman The Dollhouse. Things I liked: the video shoot of stage action showing on the widescreen TV—was he really filming it? The video looked very "dogma" with intensity. 


A piece based on the poem a precocious boy ("Jimmy") writes in the film The Kindergarten Teacher. "Anna is beautiful, Beautiful enough for me, The sun hits her yellow house, It's almost a sign from God." [Final version on Frontiers


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