Chicago Dreamin' (Yours Eternally)


ChatGPT query: Write a letter to the girlfriend of a 21-year-old woman who had recently left Chicago for California. The date is Monday May 31, 1886.

As we know, the key to good AI is asking good questions, but even if you do, the generated text is typically trite, cliche, and unusable. You might as well write it from scratch. The character I have in mind grew up in Chicago and left for California. The character was suggested by another ChatGPT'd character living in Chicago in 1886, who was an activist and who attended labor protests, but apparently, the dreamy California character is more drunk on the scenery. If you don't give it context it won't know it because in its current state, it has the memory of a goldfish. Also, I didn't want them to be a lesbian couple necessarily. It's interesting how "girlfriend" is interpreted. I don't want to use "friend" because I want them to be females. Also, what 21-year-old girl writes like this? You'd expect some fustian in 1886 but this is almost creepy. And weren't they at the Haymarket Riots just 3 weeks ago? And isn't it Memorial Day? No mention of those things. You'd think they would be at the top of the data set.

My Dearest [Girlfriend's Name], 

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits and health. It has been a while since we bid each other farewell, and I find myself longing for your company and the warmth of your embrace As I sit here in this new land of California, my thoughts often wander back to the streets of Chicago, to the memories we shared, and the love that still binds us together.

California has been an adventure unlike any other. The landscape is breathtaking, with majestic mountains and sprawling valleys that seem to stretch on forever. The sun shines brightly here, casting its golden glow upon everything it touches. But amidst the beauty, I can't help but feel a certain emptiness, for you are not here by my side to experience it with me.

The city of Chicago, with its bustling streets and lively atmosphere, still lingers in my heart. The memories we created there are etched into my soul, and I carry them with me wherever I go. The people here are kind and welcoming, but they cannot replace the familiarity and comfort I found in your presence.

I often reminisce about our walks along the shore of Lake Michigan, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, and the laughter that filled the air. Those moments were magical, and I cherish them dearly. I miss the way your hand felt in mine and the way your smile could brighten even the gloomiest of days.

California holds promises of new beginnings and opportunities, and I am determined to make the most of them. But no matter how far I travel or what adventures await me, my heart remains steadfastly yours. I long for the day when we can be together again when the distance between us will be nothing more than a memory.

Please know, my love, that you are always in my thoughts. I am committed to working hard and building a life that we can share, a life where we can create new memories and continue to grow our love. Until then, I hope you will hold onto the love we have, as I hold onto it with every breath I take. 

With every passing day, I find myself counting down the moments until I can be in your arms again. 

Until then, please take care of yourself and know that you are cherished beyond measure. Write to me soon and let me know how you are faring in Chicago.

Yours eternally, [Your Name]


Some May is now on Amazon. The goal is to find new characters that write in diaries in the past and future, but at the moment ChatGPT isn't very useful.

If you have any ideas about possible characters living in the 1880s, real or fictional, let me know.


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