Blues Of All Things

It's interesting to watch the videos that people take of tornadoes moving through their neighborhoods because they show how ephemeral they are and cause so much destruction in a minute or less, and sometimes followed by a clear blue sky. When you fly around super-cells in a plane they are a mass of peaceful white in blazing sunlight, yet on the ground, they create malefic shadows and silhouettes amid winds as fast as those which lifted the plane into flight. 

 The "ironic blue" is something I felt on 9/11 and the days following. It was perfect weather in Chicago. It's now ironically summer and the weather is beautiful amid a train of political tornadoes. 

Blue sky has just as much tension in it as a super-cell storm, as they emerge from a heavenly blue that is all a trick of our eye. 

[To a camera, there is a gray for blue, and it is white. This is the blue channel of the above photo]:

 All storms are the price we pay for an atmosphere. 

 [Viruses] lurk deep in sweetest bud.


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