
It’s interesting to watch rocket launches and protests at the same time. Both are looking beyond as an escape from earthly miseries, which will go everywhere an unresolved spiritual problem goes.

Twitter post: A good choice to leave now:  

In many ways, SpaceX is still a space fetish reminiscent of a cover of a 1950s Popular Mechanics magazine, and still yesterday's tomorrows. We can't get out of today's yesterdays with just rocket launches. Moreover, the launches aren't what they were in the 60s and now are more "power parades", not what a #LaunchAmerica was in the Apollo days.

Oprah said “adapt and evolve”. Adaptation is not what you want. 

Marianne Williamson tweeted:

"We’re being thrust kicking & screaming into the 21st-C, forced to give up attitudes left over from centuries past which are literally unsurvivable in this one...."

If we just did things like what Spacex is doing and didn't revisit the 1930s, we could be a great civilization--perhaps a Type III


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