On Time
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Univerals from Continua-tion
measuring (139)
rituals (122)
time, cyclic (176)
units of time (128)
Dynaxioms re time:
1898. One of the misconceptions about creative work is that you have to stop what you're doing in order to do it. It can be in a timeless flow, conceived in the Now and resolving itself in the future.
1891. Time makes art on its own.
1890. If you make time there is time.
1796. When we spend time playing music we also utilize time more mindfully.
1637. There's a timeless part of you that you must return to. You can get there in no time.
1635. Time tells us what we think we should be doing. Time exists without our doing anything.
1530. A spiritual path is predicated on the faith that some things are simply hidden from view because of the illusion of space and time.
1402. Eclipses are a time for surrender to serendipity. But eclipses are empirical, and completely predictable. It is what happens in the context of them that is serendipitous. (8/2017)
1383. Each time you reconstruct from a collapse, each attempt takes less time. There is a wisdom built into the tools and the process.
1347. "Music is a waste of time". Think how patently absurd that is. Music performance allows one to be intimately involved with the passing of time, although listening to music is untethered to time.
1054. The time in which an artist dies is just as important as the time they were born.
1027. When you look at the new photos of Pluto, you realize the limits of our technology. We have images, but don't yet have the technology developed (or time or money) to land there. At the same time there are myriad other worlds that are more interesting and could have more useful science. Technological limits have a direct impact on what we can know and do. (12/2015)
1023. Music is really mimicking what happens in the art world, but with a long lag time. (1997)
0947. Time sometimes makes the 'whys' (wise) go missing: you forget the reason you started doing something, and you just go through the motions.
0882. Time is a portrait, not a landscape.
0858. One of the best things about minimalist work is that it's easy to maintain over time: simple materials like aluminum, Plexiglas and plastics can easily be replaced, as opposed to ripped canvases, cracked paint, and broken terracotta.
0844. The best way to reconnect with real-time is through the playing of music.
0813. Time moves faster when you know where you're going and when the future seems certain. But uncertainty can make parts of time move at different rates, and the amounts of past and future are constantly being measured.
0801. The earth is at the center of our artificially metaphorical time universe. It is the 'second hand' that makes the first hand aeons appear to move.
0784. Music is still interesting enough to inspire someone to want to learn it (but time is running out). (7/2014)
0775. Beauty is formless and timeless. Even when the beautiful object disappears, the idea of its beauty floats in the ether.
0678. A memory is an interpretation of a point in time, not a record of it.
0673. To the degree that most creative people are always time-shifting, it is perfectly consistent with being ahead of their time, at the same time they are exploring the past.
0669. Data that represents real-time temporal states (audio/visual) are in a 'liquid' state, detached from the space-time continuum that requires organic experience in real-time. If you want to slow down, experience music in real-time by playing it, observe the environment around you more closely, photograph your environment, and really look at art rather than zooming past it. Playing music requires merging into a real flow of time, sometimes notched into regular meters and durations.
0660. Wisdom is (at the very least) an accumulation of time.
0612. Insomnia is all about being constantly reminded of the passing of time.
0476. Things take a long time to do if you want to do them right. It's the essential element of fine art, but not necessarily the defining property of art in general, as many great works of art were done expeditiously without regard to the adherence to craft. (This was the thinking behind pop art.)
0470. Photographers frame and crop reality at the time of the exposure and in the making of the print, whereas painters can re-work reality in real-time.
0466. A lot of art is more for the enlightenment or amusement of the artist rather than the viewer. The passage of time can narrow the gap.
0458. The terms 'music composition' and 'composer' are constantly changing, but the process is essentially the same: making art that unfolds over time.
0401. How you use your mind and how you spend your time is what you'll become.
0312. Forever is not always a long time.
0228(04). Good music makes time transparent.
0006(05). Every day, time can seem to move at different rates, with different emotional qualities. At the end of the day, you will always be left with some kind of distortion of chronological time: You feel that you have either been drained of time or are drowning in it.