Break For Inspiration

Politics is like junk food, engineered to release dopamine. For people with myriad interests, this takes precious time away from fully enjoying life. It is easy to slip into being a political couch potato, as opposed to being an activist.

Even though I consider myself agnostic, I love to listen to "spiritual" people with good energy and ideas, like Marianne Williamson (who interestingly has also been in politics, and is a brown belt in Karate), Pico Iyer, Elkhart Tolle, Brene Brown. Even the scientists are "spiritually" (cognitively) nourishing, people like Daniel Dennett, David Eagleman and James Lovelock.

At some point you have to get back to living fully and developing the inner life to enrich the outer work.

Attending marches and rallies is a boost as well. What better way to spend a 65 degree day in January, for some oxytocin?

Some photos I took at Chicago's March:

Women's March Chicago

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