Sonic Memories

Observation: When you hear something for the second time, your mind returns to 'memory landmarks' set on first hearing, and are automatically recalled on second review. Try this yourself: listen to a program with a mobile audio device, such as a podcast, while taking a walk or traveling somewhere. Play the program a second time, and you will recall locations (encoded visual memories) directly associated with various parts of the program. These landmarks tend to fade over time, but if emotionally charged at time of encoding, may become more salient, especially if repeated along the same path. This could be useful for developing memory capacity in general, or for modifying memories by listening to something in specific places, then listening to it again to recall the memories. Apparently places are the 'adhesive' for sonic memory, and could be useful in changing unwanted memories by replacing them with new ones through the process of binding them with specific places.


This is so true. I still have certain songs that trigger exact locations where I was over 20 years ago.

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