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Pseudonymous Creativity

In the early days of Facebook, there was a group where people created fake album covers based on fake artists, wherein you would create a title and all the song titles. I thought this was an interesting idea from a creativity standpoint, as very often songs start with titles. In the Tin Pan Alley days, this was one of the primary creativity tools, and typically the titles were the chorus lyric. So it's not a stretch that there are so many fake artists, or simply artists writing under a pseudonym. Back in 2017, Spotify started to surreptitiously promote and feature these artists. Even then, it has precedence, both in the music world and it the art world where the idea of the anonymous artist began to take off. That precedence goes back hundreds of years when the typical practice was that artists signed their name in the name of the studio or not at all. It was "de-signed", and in the world of design and design thinking, the ranking of one individual is not a part of the pr

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